Lexington JHS

District Athletic Program High Contact for Outdoor and Indoor Youth Sports Updated Documentation is available for download at the bottom of the page.

All documentation is now submitted online - no paper documents will be accepted.

Magnolia High School

Athletics Message



Dear Magnolia Athletes and Parents,
Your athletic directors at Magnolia High School, Anne Fumelle and Mike Barrera, would like to welcome you to another exciting season of Sentinel athletics! We are looking forward to helping our athletes achieve success in sports and in the classroom. If you have any questions regarding Magnolia athletics, please contact us at the following:


Anne Fumelle -- fumelle_a@auhsd.us   714) 220-4221 Ext 805
Mike Barrera -- barrera_mi@auhsd.us  714) 220-4221 ext 913


Magnolia High School

Athletic Code of Conduct



Your son/daughter has indicated a desire to compete in Interscholastic Athletics at Magnolia High School. This decision on his/her part involves certain responsibilities and obligations.

  1. Game officials are to be treated with respect at all times.
  2. You should achieve and maintain good grades in all classes. You must meet Anaheim Union High School District and CIF academic requirements to be eligible for athletic competition. All students in the Anaheim Union High School District's extracurricular program must maintain a "C" average quarterly to be eligible.
  3. Freshmen coming from 8th grade and accepted into a four-year high school are scholastically eligible. Sophomores-Juniors-Seniors.
  4. To be eligible a student must have passed four subjects (or the equivalent of 20-semester units) of new work the previous quarter and maintained a "C" average. One of the four subjects may be physical education. New work means subjects in which passing grades have not been previously earned.
  5. Serious infractions of school rules will result in an athlete's removal from the team by the Athletic Review Board. The Athletic Review Board shall be composed of the following members: The coach in Charge, the Head Coach, the Director of Athletics, and the Athletic Administrator.  The decision will be final.
  6. Alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics are injurious to the body. For your physical, mental, and moral betterment, the use of these will not be permitted. All first-time offenders will be subject to transfer from Magnolia High School and/or expulsion from the Anaheim Union High School District.
  7. The athlete must maintain an acceptable appearance.
  8. Conduct on the bus while traveling to and from contests is important to the morale and spirit of the team. District bus regulations will be adhered to at all times.
  9. You are financially responsible for all equipment issued to you.
  10. A true athlete does not quit! If you leave a sport after the first contest and/or the three-week try-out period established from the CIF start date, you will not-be-eligible-to-participate-in the next season-of-sport-until-a meeting with the Athletic Director and Athletic Administrator has been conducted. You will be removed from 5th-period athletics and put into zero-period PE with a drop grade of "F"
  11. No student while representing Magnolia High School as a member of any team may participate in a "like" sports team outside the school jurisdiction at the same time.
  12. From time to time, students will engage in recreation-sponsored, church-sponsored, or summer leagues. These activities are to be purely recreational from the point of view of participants and sponsors, as long as participation does not conflict with the time of the sport in season.
  13. Magnolia High School students are to be discouraged from playing on more than one school team during any one season. In exceptional circumstances, when an agreement is reached between the two coaches and the Director of Athletics, dual participation may be permitted.
  14. When representing Magnolia High School in Interscholastic Activities, the athlete should be an active member of the Associated Student Body.
  15. A student must take out health and accident insurance policies in the amount of $1500 before he/she may participate in any sport. This is required by State Law. If the parents have sufficient coverage of their own, they may state this on the Declaration form. The school has a policy available through CIF that provides accident protection including costs of doctor and hospital bills, as well as life insurance that satisfies State requirements.
  16. Before a student may participate in any athletic activity he/she must submit to his/her coach a completed and signed Physician's Statement and Parent Consent Form. The Parent Consent form gives permission to participate in the activity, travel on school buses, and be treated medically in case of an emergency when the parent cannot be reached.
  17. Any equipment issued to the student becomes his/her responsibility.  Any abuse or loss of this property will result in his/her being billed for its replacement. This procedure is handled through the Director of Athletics and the Athletic Administrator's office. 
  18. Responsibilities of the Athlete in general:
    1. Meet all requirements concerning parent permission, physical examination, athletic insurance, and eligibility
    2. Maintain the standards set by the Magnolia High School Code at all times.
    • Maintain high academic standards.
    • Give respectful attention to all classroom activities.
    • Maintain proper training habits
    • Be neat and well-groomed.
    • Show respect for students and faculty members
    • Be a campus leader 
    1. The following will result in disciplinary action which may include dismissal from athletics:
    • Unexcused cuts - regardless of class or classes involved
    • Tardiness to classes and practices

      • Breaking training rules

      • Poor academic achievement

      • Unacceptable classroom behavior

      • Failure to maintain acceptable standards of conduct outside of school

  19. The Athletic Period of the Physical Education Program is devoted exclusively to athletes and their training. It is a privilege and shall be treated as such. The following requirements have been established for the Athletic Period Physical Education.
    1. Admittance Requirements:
    • All requests for transfer to the Athletic Period must be initiated with the Head Coach or Director of Athletics (not a counselor).
    • The student must have permission from his/her Physical Education Teacher, Coach, and Athletic Director.
    • The student must have completed all CIF and District Eligibility forms.
    1. The athletic period is governed by the same rules and regulations as the regular Physical Education classes. In addition:

    • There should be no student enrolled who is not an active member of an athletic squad.

    • When transferring from one team to another, the student must obtain a release from his/her coach and present it to the coach of the new team.

    • The cutting of this period may result in the transfer of the student to a regular Physical Education class.

    • Tardiness to class will not be tolerated and will result in disciplinary action or transfer out of 6th-period athletics.

    • If the coach is absent for any reason, the student will dress out and report to the designated substitute for the day's activities.

  20. Letter Jackets - All students earning a varsity letter must adhere to the policies of the Magnolia Athletic Department. All varsity letter jackets must be in compliance with traditional school-approved standards which include black-bodied jackets, with or without a hood, with material sleeves OR black or gold leather sleeves. See your Coach or Athletic Director for further information.

We urge parental support for our Interscholastic Athletic Program at Magnolia High School and hope you will be able to attend many of the contests this year.


Magnolia athletics are available to all persons without regard to actual or perceived ancestry, age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, gender expression, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics.

(EC 200, 220, and 260; 5 CCR 4925-4926)



Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct

I, the parent/guardian, will support the players, coaches, game officials, and school administrators.  I will not "coach" or "officiate."  I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, game officials, and administrators at all times.  I pledge to provide support and encouragement for my child participating in Magnolia sports by following this Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct:

  1. Parents will be positive role models and do their best to provide players with a positive experience.
  2. Parents will display and instill, in all players, the principles of good sportsmanship and team play
  3. Parents will conduct themselves in a manner that best serves the interest of the players.
  4. Parents will make certain that their children show respect for all other players, coaches, officials, administrators, and spectators.
  5. Parents will not ridicule or demean players, coaches, or game officials.
  6. Parents will comply with the decisions of league officials and observe all rules, policies, and procedures as established or endorsed by the Orange League.
  7. Parents will be drug and alcohol-free while at a Magnolia athletic event.
  8. Parents will treat all players, coaches, and game officials fairly and with respect.
  9. Parents will respect the opponent and avoid confrontation with opposing players, spectators, or coaches.
  10. Parents will never ridicule or yell at the players or coaches for a mistake or loss.
  11. Parents will respect the coaches for their decisions.  If they have an issue, they will speak to the coach off the field or court when there are no players present.

The consequences for violation of the Parent/Guardian Code of Conduct are:

  1. Verbal warning from the coach, administrator, or official to stop the behavior in violation.
  2. If the behavior does not stop, the offending person will be asked to leave the venue.
  3. If the person does not leave of his/her own will, the appropriate authorities will be contacted
  4. Expulsion from the remaining Magnolia games until a final recommendation is made by the school administration.
  5. The Magnolia Sportsmanship Committee's recommendation for action will be the final resolution and will be acted upon by all parties involved.

Athletics Trainer at Magnolia HS

Micah Ebanculla -- ebanculla_m@auhsd.us 


Most athletics injuries such as muscle strains, joint sprains, cuts, bruises, and general sports-associated soreness can be treated in the Athletics Training room at Magnolia and the athletes can return to play in a few days.  Unfortunately, due to the nature of athletics, there will be a number of injuries that will require diagnosis by a physician.  Magnolia is fortunate enough to work closely with the Pueblo Family Medical Center and other such facilities in the area that make physician diagnosis and treatment easily available and affordable.  We want to provide the best possible care for our athletes by following and making you aware of the following procedures:

  1. When the athlete sustains an injury by participating in athletics for Magnolia, he/she should notify the coach immediately.  This way the coach is aware of the injury and can refer the athlete to the Athletic Trainer.
  2. If the injury is severe enough, the athlete will be referred to the Athletic Trainer or the Athletic Trainer will see the athlete on the field.
  3. If the injury is serious enough, the Athletic Trainer will suggest a follow-up visit with a physician.
  4. If the athlete sees a physician, they must have a note from the physician stating the Injury, any restrictions, and a date that he/she can return to participation.
  5. MUST be given to the Athletic Trainer in order to return to participation in the sport. NO NOTE, NO PARTICIPATION, NO EXCEPTIONS.
  6. Further care may include stretching, strengthening, and education on how to take care of the injury based on the recommendations of the physician and the Athletic Trainer.

Please review this information with your son/daughter so they can participate in athletics without any delays due to Medical procedures. 




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